Baby food

             From the starting of life up to 6 month, a baby's food and health depends upon what his mother eats. Breast milk is important up to 6 month it contains all the essential vitamins, minerals... Etc, a baby should need. The Concern of a mother is how often a baby eat? And which food is good After 6 month?

How often a newborn baby eat? 

Week 1 :-

most of the doctors says, newborn must be fed in Every 2 hours.
They gets 1 to 2 ounce(30 to 60ml) in Every feeding at the 1st week.
My doctor said at the 1st week, to feed baby minimum 5 minutes which is enough to survive them.

1 month baby:-

Baby intakes 2 to 3 ounce milk in Every 2 to 3 hours a day.
Baby takes time 2 or 3 hours in between feeding according to the quantity of milk they drinking.

3 month baby:-

4 to 5 ounce milk intake 6 to 8 times in a day.

4 to 6 month baby:-

5 to 8 ounce 4 to 6 times daily.
The amount of milk intakes above shown are about an average child, it May change according to the size of babies. 

Some mothers will take time to Produce milk especially at the first week, their babies needs formula milk. 

How to make Formula milk for babies? 

  • Boil the feeding bottle to clean
  • Wash your hands
  • Boil drinking water for 5 minutes and Let it cool down
  • Read the using instructions on the packet and understand the correct ratio of water and formula according to age. 
  • Use the scoop contains in the formula pack
  • Take the prescribed amount of formula powder to lukewarm water and shake it well. 

When To introduce solid food to baby..? 

  • Sixth month is the time when you can introduce solid food to your baby. 
  • You can start solid at fourth month also, if the breast milk is not enough for your baby, the baby felt hunger even After having breast milk. 

What food to introduce to baby..? 

You can start with any of these foods

  • Banana puree
  • Carrot puree
  • Apple puree
  • Pumpkin
  • Sweet potato
  • Rice porridge
  • Ragi
  • Suji
  • Cereal


  • make sure about hygiene
  • give very smooth paste of food
  • give food at once a day for the first week,   then After 1st week you can give 2 times per day. 
  • Feed the same food continuously 3 days to check whether the food is allergic to the baby or not. After 3 days you can give another food for 3 days. Introduce all food like this. 
  • Introduce by one or two table spoon then gradually increase the quantity
  • Don't compel baby to eat. They will eat if they are hungry. And don't worry if they aren't ate the food because they are drinking breast milk. 

Food by age

You can introduce different food, fruits and vegetables to your baby one by one. Those foods by age are;
4 month to 6 month :-



Sweet potato 


Rice porridge
Banana powder 

6 month to 8 month:-

Fruits shown above

Vegetables shown above
Egg plant 

All porridges

8 month to 12 month:-

Everything shown above

From 8th month you can give small portion of everything you eat. Its my personal suggetion to not give meat or fish. Let them taste everything. 

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